Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Art Therapy Groups for Teens

I am a therapist in private practice. For several years I have had in mind to offer high school (or even middle school) students anywhere from 5-8-10 weeks of Group Art Therapy to enhance:

a) coping and stress reduction skills,
b)for self-exploration and
c) to define and develop a vision (of self) for the future.
d)I have also been considering 'art for social justice' as an alternative for graffiti.

This year with the talk of recession in America, it seems to me even more important than in years past to help both youth and adults to develop coping skills and a vision for the future.
So, I have contacted your office to see if it is possible to get the word out to folks who might benefit from this type of group. Last year I spent the summer looking for grant money to set this up as a free service, but with no luck. This year my hope is to be able to get enough interested people to make the cost very low.

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